Our Ressources

(January 2024)
Paris Good Fashion celebrates its 5th anniversary. In front of 200 guests at the Institut Français de la Mode (a partner from the outset) on 23 January, Paris Good Fashion celebrated its 5 years of existence, presented its achievements – with 50 projects carried out – and unveiled an equally ambitious roadmap for 2030. The aim is to make Paris an exemplary capital of responsible fashion. Collaborative and active. You can find a summary and timeline of the projects here. Other documents will follow.
(April 2023)
Stores & Buildings – Raising awareness of best practices to reduce impacts
As part of the PGF x LVMH Green Store & Building Challenge, for which we are preparing the 2023 edition, we are pleased to share with you this guide to identify the main levers for action.
(April 2023)
Paris Good Fashion x Climate Chance study – State of progress of French fashion players in terms of sustainable development. Analysis based on 50 interviews and data collection from 24 companies in the sector.
(January 2023)
Airtable of CSR trainings adapted to the fashion sector.
Thanks to the commitment of Conscious Fashion, Ethiwork & Lisaa, we have put online an AIRTABLE tool which lists more than 60 adapted training courses in a qualified way. Whether you are an individual or a company, this tool aims to facilitate the identification of training courses, according to skills, duration, format (short, slow, continuing education…) and it is accessible to all.
(October 2022)
Glossary of sustainability & fashion: After publishing a French version of its glossary of sustainability and fashion in April 2022, the French non-profit organization Paris Good Fashion extends the scope of this work by publishing today an English version of its glossary. ➔ Glossary
[September 2022]
Grand Prix Inclusive Design 2022: Paris Good Fashion x Eyes on Talents, in partnership with APF France handicap, awarded Louise Linderoth for the 2nd edition of the Grand Prix Inclusive Design. A special mention was awarded to Yoosung Kim for his Zest project to promote the industrial development of these shoes as part of the Cultural Olympics in the run-up to Paris 2024.
[April 2022]
Sustainable fashion Web-series: As part of their IFM-Kering Sustainability Certificate, Paris Good Fashion has partnered with 4 students of the Institut de la Mode Française (Garance Bard, Claire Bertail, Brooke Druen et Pooja Ramprabhu) to create – with film producer Cyril Montana – a web-series that will follow the lives of students of Institut Français de la Mode in an efficient and creatively conceptualized way to raise awareness about topics in sustainable fashion such as awakening environmental altruism and activism, upcycling, greenwashing, labor safety crisis, fast fashion, etc.
Our reports & studies
- Hangers & Polybags – Opportunities study (French) – March 2022
- Hangers & Polybags – Demonstration projet presentation (French) – May 2022
- Reusable packaging FAQ’s (French) – May 2022
- Regenerative practices of cotton farming (French) – July 2021
- Code of conduct of regenerative agriculture (French) – April 2021

Our handbooks
- Guidelines for sustainable photo & film production (French) – September 2021
- Parisian’s places index for sustainable events management (French) – September 2021
- Sustainable support for young fashion brand (French) – June 2021
- How to buy sustainable second-hand fashion? (French) – June 2021
- How to create a sustainable fashion brand? (French) – June 2021
- Guide to event digitalisation (English) – June 2021
- Guide to sustainable event planning (English) – June 2021
➔ Find here, our selection of reports, studies and ressources provided by our members and partners.
Our webinars
Genz « Shein vs Extinction Rebellion » with Benoit de Fleurian and Léo Bruand from Ogilvy marketing agency and Catherine Krokos Leroy from contnt.biz.
- Durability & Responsability: which term should be preferred? with Corinne Lepage and Christian Huglo from Huglo Lepage Avocats law office interviewed by Sylvie Benard and Isabelle Lefort.
- Waste management: legal requirements for professionals in France with Nathalie Fussler – Alliance du Commerce, Adeline Dargent – Fédération Française du Prêt-à-Porter Féminin and Jean-Placide Nyombe – Fédération de la Maille, de la Lingerie & du Balnéaire with the support of the Région Ile-de-France.
- Conference on sustainable fashion’s issues for the Francothèque of Moscow by Isabelle Lefort [French & Russian]
- Fanny Bénard, vice-president of the Responsible Purchasing Observatory et business partner of Buy Your Way et ingénieure de formation, Fanny Bénard explains how to build a strong responsible purchasing strategy.
- Smart Creation Podcast, Made in France Première Vision. Interview of Sylvie Benard (Paris Good Fashion’s president) by Adrien Garcia in the context of Smart Creation by Première Vision. In this episode, Sylvie explains her dedication from day one regarding sustainability and what actions can be done to work in that way through Paris Good Fashion.
- « Impact Trends in Fashion – Eco-design’s next challenges“. Interview of Gabriela Hearst – artistic director of Chloé and her own brand – by Sylvie Bénard, Paris Good Fashion’s president.
- “La sobriété numérique dans la mode : une utopie ou un impératif ?“ roundtable on environmental and social impacts of the digital world with Bettina Laville (Comité 21), Emmanuel Laroche (INR et Airbus) and Thierry Leboucq (Greenspector) interviewed by Sylvie Benard (Paris Good Fashion).
- “Agir tous ensemble pour une mode plus responsable“, feeback from the Consultation Citoyenne and its commitments with Isabelle Lefort (PGF), Damien Pellé (Galerie Lafayette), Kachen Hong Zwart (Groupe Etam), Axel Dauchez (Make.org) et Frédéric Maus (WSN).
- Isabelle Lefort, Paris Good Fashion co-founder has been interview by Céline Marchal from Ethiwok to speak about the association’s ambitions to improve sustainability in fashion industry.
- Sylvie Benard, ex-sutainability director of LVMH and Paris Good Fashion’s president has given to Première Vision her point of view concerning fashion industry’s evolution and best practices to set up.
- Floriane de Saint Pierre, founder of Ethics & Boards, Floriane de Saint Pierre & Associés and Eyes On Talents, presents the 2020 results of the “Ethics & Boards Fashion & Luxury Index 30 Sustainable Governance and Mixed Governance”.
- Ghislain Boyer, ESG Advisory Associate at Euronext explains why and how investors will increasingly challenge companies in the sector on issues of environmental and social responsibility.
- Gilles Boeuf, former President of the National Museum of Natural History and Visiting Professor at the Collège de France, President of the Centre d’Etudes et d’Expertise en Biomimétisme, Author of several hundred scientific articles and international speaker on “biodiversity understand the impact of its erosion and its link with the fashion industry”.
- Climatechance published its annual sector observatory in December 2020, with a focus on the fashion industry for the first time. The 3 analysts (from the best AgroParisTech, Polytechnique, and Sciences-Po schools) take a very interesting look at the sector’s commitments, its shortcomings too and the path we still have to travel if we collectively want to rise to the environmental challenges.
- Olivier Saillard, fashion historian, Artistic Director, Image and Culture of Weston and Director of the Azzedine Alaïa Foundation on “Relationship to Time in Fashion – Slowdowns and Accelerations in the History of Fashion”.
Citizen Consultation
Discover all the feedbacks and results of the citizen consultation in our Magbook: interactive format, pdf format.
To better understand fashion industry issues, check our video.
In the press: WWD, Le Journal du Luxe, Les Echos, Le Figaro, FashionNetwork, Geo, CB News, Challenges, Elle, France Info, Gala,Business Insider, L’InfoDurable, Fashion United, Mode in Textile, EcoTextile, Novethic, Goodplanet Mag
Our events
- Grand Prix Inclusive Design 2022 – Eyes on Talents x Paris Good Fashion x APF France Handicap – October 2022
- Grand Prix Photography & Sustainability 2021 – Eyes on Talents x Paris Good Fashion – June 2021
- Sale of fabrics from Parisian brands’ stock for young designers – Event organised in partnership with the Collectif Coulanges and La Réserve des Arts – June 2021
- Restitution of the sustainable fashion’s citizen consultation – February 2021
- Grand Prix Inclusive Design 2020 – Eyes on Talents x Paris Good Fashion x APF France Handicap – October 2020
- Launching of the sustainable fashion’s citizen consultation – September 2020
- Grand Prix Photography & Sustainability 2019 – Eyes on Talents x Paris Good Fashion – November 2019