A month ago, the student collective” For an ecological awakening “posted a photo montage on LinkedIn that was going to make the buzz: we could see a giant poster in the Paris metro. Ironically, she took the language elements of the takeout giants and offered to consult a summary of the latest IPCC report, to consult “on the spot”” True “Take Away” with a QR code.
In question ? There ” low coverage of the latest IPCC report from the conventional media† By throwing this bottle into the sea, the collective hoped “ turn the tide by mobilizing on social networks† It is finally in reality that this campaign has taken shape today: Mediatransports, which manages the advertisements in the Paris metro, has joined the idea. As part of the advertising agency’s CSR obligations, a free space was offered to the collective for a week.
Reach 5 million daily travelers
The advantage of this campaign is that it allows a wide audience: whether or not they are aware of environmental issues, passengers at 108 Paris stations will be exposed to the poster. One of the members of the collective, Lou Valide, explains for: Edition that it is a matter of tackling different segments of the populationand no longer to a community of believers on social networks.
République, Convention, Hôtel de Ville… The poster will be seen by no less than 5 million daily travelers. And it’s not over yet: if the campaign works well, the collective plans to expand it to other French cities.