Achievements & results


  • Supporting young brands in sustainability #1

    How to help small and medium-sized fashion companies make the transition to sustainable development. Through training and the sharing of good information, eco-responsible local sourcing, the creation of a materials recycling platform, the identification of eco-responsible packaging solutions, etc.

  • Citizen Consultation #2

    Believing that we will only achieve systemic change by involving consumers and all those who love and wear fashion, we want to launch a broad citizen consultation. Drawing on the expertise of civic-tech, we aim to bring out all the good ideas for more responsible fashion. In a collective spirit, we will complete this project by 2021.

  • For the rebirth of the French wool industry #3

    Today, in France, only 4% of the wool produced is exploited. How can we reindustrialise this sector to produce enough volume and quality to meet the demand of the fashion industry? Objective: to increase to 24% by 2024.

  • Sustainable visual production #4

    Annualy, our sector produces a significant amount of images. We believe that it's important to quantify the carbon impact of these productions and to reflect on common good practices (both in terms of sustainability and social aspects) for all the actors involved in this sector.
