The RMS Recycled Materials Standard is open for consultation #107


The non-profit organisation dedicated to the sustainable use of GreenBlue materials, in partnership with NSF International, announces the launch of the public consultation period for the Recycled Material Standard (RMS), which is due to be published in early 2021. Once published, this will be the only standard that provides both a mechanism to guarantee recycled content claims by companies and creates a certificate trading system that directly incentivizes value chain participants to invest in increased recycling capacity.

During this public comment period members of the supply chain from all manufacturing segments, NGOs, and other stakeholders with interests in the standard are invited to submit comments. In addition to providing comments on the standard itself, participants are invited to comment on the first of the material modules – the Plastics module. This module defines how the principles of the RMS apply specifically to the plastics recycling value chain. Future modules will be developed for other materials.

NSF International has guided the standards development process, gathering input from supply chain representatives at each stage of development to ensure that the standard can be implemented in practice and is relevant to today’s challenges.

The public consultation period is open until 18 December 2020.

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