This scheme is “good for the environment, but also for purchasing power”, hailed French Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu on Tuesday, in an introductory video. Household linen and lingerie are not eligible for this bonus, Elsa Chassagnette of Refashion, the eco-organization piloting the Repair Fund and tasked by the government with supporting the industry towards a more circular economy, told AFP.
In concrete terms, consumers will be able to drop off their clothes and shoes at the 600 approved repairers nationwide, a list of which can be found on bonusreparation.fr.A discount will then automatically be applied to the price of the repair – for example, 7 euros for a hole, tear or rip in a garment, or 25 euros to resole leather shoes.
Paris – A “repair bonus” for clothes and shoes was launched in Paris on Tuesday, similar to the one for household appliances, which will enable consumers to benefit from discounts when repairs are carried out by approved professionals.
Bonuses can be accumulated on the same product to be repaired, up to a limit of 60% of the repair price, according to the press release, and each consumer will be able to bring as many parts to be repaired as he or she wishes. However, Ms. Chassagnette warns that repairs, not alterations, must be carried out.
The Repair Fund is endowed with 154 million euros over the period 2023-2028, financed exclusively from private funds. This envelope will make it possible to finance the “repair bonus” as well as the visibility of this scheme, but also actions to raise awareness of repair among consumers and training provided to approved repairers, Elsa Chassagnette indicated.
As part of the EPR (extended producer responsibility) chain, based on the “polluter pays” principle, each fashion brand pays an ecocontribution to Refashion, which should generate one billion euros over the 2023-2028 period.
“Consumption of clothing and footwear has risen sharply in recent years, with 826,000 tonnes purchased per year” in France, of which more than 260,000 tonnes of products are thrown away annually. In 2019, 16 million items were repaired, according to Ademe. Refashion hopes to increase this figure to 21.6 million by 2028 thanks to this scheme. (AFP)
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