“On our planet, a species disappears every 20 minutes”, reminds the charitable search engine YouCare. The principle is to propose to companies to become sponsors by donating 1% of their turnover and thus obtain the label.
But “not all companies can become members of the label. Our association verifies that the ethics and actions of the company are consistent with the fight led by the label. A company that creates products or carries out actions contrary to these values cannot be labeled,” state Thomas Moreau and Charles Thiery, respectively president and vice-president of YouCare, in a press release.
The objectives defended through this new label are in line with the actions carried out by the association: to preserve and recreate the natural habitat of wild animals, to carry out animal rescues throughout the world or to fight against deforestation.
More precisely, the money donated by the sponsoring companies will allow the association to accelerate its reforestation and animal protection missions. The first to embark on the adventure is the Zolux Group, a company specializing in the world of pet supplies and committed to “animals, people and the environment.”
The launch of this label coincides with the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Cop15), the first part of which is being held remotely since Monday, October 11 in Kunming (China), and will end on Sunday, October 24.
This world conference for the preservation of biodiversity was an opportunity for China to announce the creation of a fund of 200 million euros to support the protection of biodiversity in developing countries.