Paris Good Fashion updates its map of sustainable fashion addresses #384


The association Paris Good Fashion, which aims to promote and accelerate sustainable fashion initiatives in the French capital, has just published the 2022 version of its map of places involved in this responsible transformation of the industry. 422 addresses are now listed on the Mapstr application.

Among them are 140 brands, 134 second-hand places, 108 spaces for repairing and maintaining clothes, 27 boutiques and concept-stores, 16 places of reflection and media dedicated to the subject of responsible fashion, and finally four reference places to find essential information on the sector.

Among the actors joining the cartography after this update, which gave rise to evaluations by a working group, we find Benevolenza, Chaussettes Solidaires, Etablissements Bonnet or Le Linatier and Tempête Paris. A call for applications was launched in early 2022.

The Paris Good Fashion collective was initiated in 2019 with the aim of making Paris “the capital of a more responsible fashion by 2024”, Olympic appointment for the French capital. It brings together companies, designers, NGOs, federations and institutions.

Fashion Network